Beit El-Meem
"Beit El-Meem" is a home for all gender and sexual identities in Arab society, and aims to increase the personal and social security of each and everyone as well as to fight against violence and oppression the Arab LGBT community suffers from.
Phone No. : 0775466359
WhatsApp: 0548732110
Anonymous chat online:
Service hours: Sunday-Thursday at 18:00-21:00
Counseling Center
Beit El-Meem provides professional psycho-social counseling for community members in need. We are here to assist in matters such as coming out, body image and self-worth, gender confirmation journey and treatments, crisis and loss, therapy for substance use and addictions, and more.
For more information contact the Social worker. Phone No. : 0526287322
Legal Aid Department
Provides guidance and legal aid in matters of rights violations based on sexual and/or gender identity, especially in the legal fields of work and criminal offenses.
LGBTphobia Report Center
You can report to us in the case of physical or verbal violence on LGBTphobia background, in the workplace, school, on the street, in public places, and more. We provide tailor made and personal aid to each matter.
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